Naming Opportunities
Give a designated gift of $5,000 or more and we will add your name to a plaque in that designated space. Fully fund one of the following renovations and we name it after you, affixing a plaque where it can be seen by our visitors.
We needed to pave the driveway early to allow easier access to the site. Add you name to the designated donor plaque.
Our Mews cost $38,000 to complete. Add your name to plaque listing designated donors.
Thanks to early donations we have added a new roof. $8,400 is still needed. Designate your donation to add your name,
Our mammals need a transition space between incubator and release. Your gift of $5,000 will add your name to the donor plaque.
Everyone wants to see the babies, but we need to keep human contact to a minimum. Visitors will be able to see our volunteers at work here.
We need large, easy to clean, predator proof enclosures for the ducks and geese under our care.