I found a wild animal. What do I do?
Use extreme caution when rescuing wildlife.
Approach animal slowly and quietly.
Determine if the animal really needs help.
Please call PWC at 410-628-9736 for advice.
Do not kidnap a healthy baby!
Always have an adult handle a wild animal. Keep children and pets away from the animal!
Never use your bare hands. Wear gloves, and use a blanket or towel to catch the animal.
Gently place the animal into a cardboard box or paper bag. Make sure it is closed securely for transport.
Be careful! A wild animal that is hurt or frightened might bite or scratch.
Keep the animal warm, safely contained, and away from loud noises, children, pets, and air conditioning.
Wildlife sometimes carry diseases which can be transmitted to people and pets. Do not handle a wild animal carelessly; it could be a great health risk.
Most native wildlife are protected by state and federal laws.
It is illegal to possess the animal or its nests, bones, feathers, or eggs without the proper permits.
Wild animals belong in the wild—they are not pets.
DO NOT FEED THE ANIMAL FOOD, WATER, OR MILK until you have spoken with a permitted wildlife rehabilitator. Water can go into the animal's lungs and cause pneumonia. Feeding an animal the wrong food will cause more harm than good.